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WoT razvojni plan
13 godina 6 mjeseci ago #43938
od Mr.Ti
WoT razvojni plan was created by Mr.Ti
Objavili su nekakav razvojni plan za otprilike sljedecu godinu...
game.worldoftanks.eu/news/genera ... _2011_2012
IZDVOJENO, za one koji cekaju zamjene za KV, KV-3, IS-4, T-34, T-30 itd...
American tanks - heavy tanks M103, T110, tank destroyer T25-2 - Q1 2012.
Soviet tanks - heavy tanks KV-1, KV-2, KV-4, Т-150, ST 1, Object 252 - Q1 2012.
Uz napomenu:
game.worldoftanks.eu/news/genera ... _2011_2012
At this stage we introduce the General Release Plan of World of Tanks in 2011-2012. Please, pay attention to the fact that the list of upcoming features is not full and the dates are subject to change. Be sure to see many more specialties with every update!
Each update will introduce 1-2 new maps.
Maps featuring North American Landscapes are planned for release in Q4 2011, after that the following regions are going to be covered:
South America
China, Korea
Maps featuring all regions above are currently in development. The details on maps will be announced upon the release of each particular update.
American tanks
medium tank M4A3E2, light tank M24 - Q3 2011;
tank destroyers M8A1, T49, M18 Hellcat, T28 prototype - Q1 2012;
heavy tanks M103, T110, tank destroyer T25-2 - Q1 2012.
Soviet tanks
light tanks T-50, T-50-2 - Q3 2011;
tank destroyer SU-85 (I) - Q4 2011;
tank destroyers SU-100M-1, SU-101 (Uralmash-1), SU-122-54 - Q4 2011;
heavy tanks KV-1, KV-2, KV-4, Т-150, ST 1, Object 252 - Q1 2012.
German tanks
medium tank Pz IV Hydro - Q4 2011;
tank destroyers Marder III, Dickermax, Nashorn, Sturer Emil, Jagdpanzer E-100 - Q4 2011;
SPGs E10, E25, tank destroyer JagdTiger Sd Kfz 185 (88/71) - Q2 2012.
French tanks
light, medium, and heavy tanks Renault FT, D1, D2, B1, ARL 44, AMX-50 100mm, AMX-50 120mm, Hotchkiss H35, AMX 38, AMX 40, AMX-13/75, AMX-13/90, Chatillon 25t, BDR G1B, AMX M4 1945, AMX-50-68t , AMX-12t , Lorraine 40t - Q4 2011;
SPGs RenaultBS, Lorraine39 L-AM, AMX-105AM, AMX 13F3AM, Lorraine155-50, Lorraine155-51, Bаt Chatillon155 - Q1 2012;
tank destroyers FCM 36Pak40, 105 leFH18B2, Panzerjager35R - Q1 2012;
tank destroyers Renault FT AC, Lorraine 37L-AC, Somua Sau40, S 35CA, ARL V39, AMX AC de120-46, AMX AC de120-48, AMX50 Foch - Q1 2012;
medium tank Renault G1R, light tank АМХ 13FL11 - Q1 2012.
British tanks - Q2 2012
Japanese tanks - 2012
New Game Modes
Company battle divisions: tier 10 max with no overall tier limitation, tiers 8, 6, and 4 max with the respective overall tier limitation - Q4 2011;
Assault (one team attacks, the other one defends the base) and Encounter battle (two teams are to capture the base in the center of the map) - Q4 2011;
Garage battle – players can use several tanks (one after another) in one battle (“limited respawn”) - Q1 2012;
Escort (only a few tanks from the team have the ability to capture enemy's base, the opposite team is to stop potential invaders) - Q1 2012;
Historical battle - faction based battles with historically justified restrictions on vehicles and modules available - 2012.
Ultimate Conquest (Clan Wars)
Fog of war in clan battles - Q4 2011;
Cooldown period for destroyed vehicles - Q4 2011;
Expansion of the global map. The following regions are going to be added in the prescribed order: North America, Africa, South America, Australia, Korea, China, Japan - 2012;
Clan treasure transactions - 2012;
Clan armoury, clan consumables and tanks - 2012.
Performance and Game Client
Packed resources decreasing map loading time - Q4 2011;
Pre-caching – optimized vehicle model loading for Low-end PCs - Q4 2011;
New firing effects, explosions, and other visual effects will be added gradually - Starting Q4 2011.
New Features (Misc)
Vehicle customization: camouflage and horn sounds - Q4 2011;
Mini-map customization and new functionality - Q4 2011;
Interface game tutorial - Q4 2011;
Quick in-game violation report system - Q4 2011;
New crew skills and perks - Starting Q4 2011;
New aсhievements - Q1 2012;
Expanded post-battle statistics, also accessible in garage menu - Q1 2012;
Realistic vehicle physics - Q1 2012;
Extended platoons for up to 5 players - Q1 2012;
Improved match-making system - Q1 2012;
National crew voices (crews of each nation speak their mother tongue) - 2012;
Battle game tutorial - 2012;
Commander’s chart - 2012;
Improved chat functionality, official language-based chat subchannels - 2012.
Notice! Release plans stated above are subject to change.
The list of the specialties will extend with every update release! Stay tuned for more World of Tanks, that’s gonna be fun!
IZDVOJENO, za one koji cekaju zamjene za KV, KV-3, IS-4, T-34, T-30 itd...
American tanks - heavy tanks M103, T110, tank destroyer T25-2 - Q1 2012.
Soviet tanks - heavy tanks KV-1, KV-2, KV-4, Т-150, ST 1, Object 252 - Q1 2012.
Uz napomenu:
Please, pay attention to the fact that the list of upcoming features is not full and the dates are subject to change.
Please Prijava to join the conversation.
13 godina 6 mjeseci ago #43952
od mrgud
mess with the best, die like the rest
Replied by mrgud on topic WoT razvojni plan
uf al su brzi :mrgreen:
mess with the best, die like the rest
Please Prijava to join the conversation.
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