Skulpture tenkova od snijega

11 godina 10 mjeseci ago - 11 godina 10 mjeseci ago #52216 od exodus

Iznimno cool skulpture od snijega! Isplati se pogledati!

<The only way to deal with unfree
world is to become so absolutely free
that your very existence is an act of

Albert Camus
Last edit: 11 godina 10 mjeseci ago by exodus.
The following user(s) said Thank You: razor

Please Prijava to join the conversation.

11 godina 10 mjeseci ago #52221 od razor
Replied by razor on topic Skulpture tenkova od snijega
Kako boga ti gledat tenkove kad mi se desno otvore sise, noge, guzice pa jos malo sise....

Please Prijava to join the conversation.

11 godina 10 mjeseci ago #52231 od exodus
Replied by exodus on topic Skulpture tenkova od snijega

razor napisao: Kako boga ti gledat tenkove kad mi se desno otvore sise, noge, guzice pa jos malo sise....

Focus fire mozda? :P

Sise i guzice samo odvlace pozornost od tenkova! :woohoo:

<The only way to deal with unfree
world is to become so absolutely free
that your very existence is an act of

Albert Camus

Please Prijava to join the conversation.

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