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AA Update....Q Course

19 godina 2 mjeseci ago #2677 od razor
AA Update....Q Course was created by razor
Ne..nije izaso novi update....ovo je samo info o tome sto ce biti u nekom od sljedecih updejtova.....najvjerojatnije u sljedecem.
Kom se da (i ko nije procito na Trekeru)nek cita...
Inace..ovo je kopi pejst sa trekera....
Napravit cu replay na ovaj post u kojem cu ukratko napisat sto ovaj tip brblja na sto strana....i naravno...bit ce na hrvatskom :)

America's Army Updated Impressions - The Q Course

America's Army, the US Army's official first-person shooter, will mark its third anniversary in July. But prior to that, the game, developed as a recruiting tool given to prospective recruits and available for free on the Internet, will receive a significant update in the form of the Q Course, which is what Philip Bossant, the project's lead art director, bills as a "gamer upgrade." We got the details at the Game Developers Conference on what to expect in this upcoming update, as well as what future plans are in store for the Army's game project.

In Army jargon, the Q Course is the name for the Special Forces Qualification Course, the test that all applicants must pass in order to qualify for the Army's elite units . In America's Army, the Q Course will be a package of five big new maps , as well as a host of new gameplay enhancements that will attempt to mix up the gameplay. One of the goals of the new levels is to get away from the current Middle Eastern theme of most America's Army levels. As such, the new maps will feature a mix of urban, rural, industrial, and mountainous terrain. The Q Course will also introduce two new weapons. The first is the bunker-defeating munition, a powerful, one-shot rocket launcher capable of punching holes in walls. This will be especially useful, as the new maps will feature destructible objects, such as walls and doors. This means that you can actually blow open your own entranceways into guarded compounds. The second new weapon is actually a door breacher, a small explosive charge useful in blasting open locked doors. It's important because the new levels will feature randomly locking doors . That means that every time you start a match, doors that were previously locked may be unlocked, and vice versa. This sense of unpredictability will play a big role in the update.

According to Bossant, the Q Course will enhance the replayability of America's Army, thanks to random events. One of the problems inherent in the current version of America's Army, as well as other online first-person shooters, is that since each match starts with essentially the same parameters, it's possible for the gameplay to boil down to patterns, because players already know from experience where the other team starts and what direction they will come from. The new maps in the Q Course will support features such as random spawn locations so teams will start in different positions; random objectives, so that the goal and location in each mission will change; random extraction points , so players won't know where to go until they locate and seize an objective, such as a hard drive with special information on it; and random non-player characters , which is another term for civilians. In addition to having random events on these new levels, the team is looking to see whether it can retrofit existing levels with random events to change the way they play.

Civilians are especially important in the Q Course, because the presence of innocents on the battlefield will have a huge effect on the way the game is played . In current versions of America's Army, since players know that there are only combatants on the battlefield, they tend to act aggressively. Ironically, they're a bit too aggressive for the Army's tastes. For example, while players of America's Army may lob grenades indiscriminately in the hopes of killing an opponent, in real life, US soldiers operate under rules of engagement that require them to identify their targets before engaging them. This means that they can't randomly toss grenades , because the chances of hitting a civilian are too high. So the Q Course will introduce civilians to America's Army , and shooting or wounding a civilian, even accidentally, will be treated like a case of friendly fire. If the incident is minor, such as the civilian was wounded by a stray grenade fragment, then your score will be penalized. But if you purposely harm or kill a civilian, you'll be kicked out of the game and sent to a virtual cell in Leavenworth, just like you would for shooting a friendly. This should slow down the game and make players behave more like real soldiers and less like Rambo.

Civilians will also have a useful purpose on the battlefield, assuming that you can speak the language. That's where advanced Special Forces training will come into play. With the Q Course upgrade, your soldiers will be able to go undergo optional training to learn new skills , much like going to medic school in the current version of the game lets your character play as a medic on the battlefield. So, in the Q Course, if you undergo the 18D training, you'll learn about being a Special Forces medic by watching a movie of a real Army Special Forces medic discussing what he does and some of his real-world experiences. Afterward, your character will be able to carry more bandages into battle, heal comrades faster, and even be able to do a limited amount of self-healing . And in the case of encountering civilians on the battlefield, if your character has taken the appropriate language training, you can ask the civilian questions and gather valuable intelligence on the location of your target , making your job a lot easier. Little bonuses such as these will give you the incentive to undergo as much training as possible, and it will let the game educate you about the many different specialties in the Army.

America's Army was originally devised as a recruiting aid to attract new soldiers. However, Bossant told us that the Army is rapidly finding other uses for the game for soldiers already in its ranks. There are already modified versions of America's Army that help teach weapons familiarization and language training. There is also a version of the game to teach convoy protection. That's a particularly important issue, as the Army was caught unprepared by the frequent insurgent attacks on US convoys in Iraq. How to protect convoys was something soldiers had barely received training in prior to the war, but with the modified version of America's Army, the Army now trains soldiers in convoy tactics using a simulator.

With its role as a recruiting tool established and its role as a training tool growing, the future of America's Army looks bright. After the Q Course, which is due in May, the next major update for the game should be Overmatch , which will finally introduce vehicles into the gameplay. After that, it sounds like there will be a second Overmatch update, at which point the current version of America's Army will come to an end. That doesn't mean that the project is going away, though. The current version of America's Army is based on the aging Unreal Engine 2.5. The Army has already signed up for Unreal Engine 3, and America's Army will eventually transition to it. However, that transition won't happen for a while, as the current version of America's Army still looks like it has plenty of life in it.

By Jason Ocampo, GameSpot POSTED: 03/10/05 02:47 PM

To bi bilo to...fala bogu da nisam moro to rucno prepisivat... :)

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  • unn4m3d
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19 godina 2 mjeseci ago #2678 od unn4m3d
Replied by unn4m3d on topic AA Update....Q Course
Ajd sad prevedi na hrvatski :lol:

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19 godina 2 mjeseci ago #2679 od razor
Replied by razor on topic AA Update....Q Course
Ovako....promjene koje mozemo ocekivati u sljedecem apdejtu:

- Q Course trening
- 5 Velikih mapa!
- odmak od mapa baziranih na srednjem istoku (fala bogu)
- 2 nova oruzja:
1) Oruzje za sjebavanje zidova i bunkera. Sto ce rec da ce na tim novim mapama, zidovi biti unistivi tako da cete se lagano moc usetat u bunker ili tvrdavu tako da napravite omanju rupu u zidu (joooooj...jedva cekam!).
2) Door breacher ilitiga sjebač vrata (po naški). Sve u svemu, staviš na vrata, odmakneš se, a on odjebe vrata i naravno ako je netko sa druge strane (u blizini) otkine mu koj dio tjela :twisted: a ako nije u blizini onda ga sleša ili tako nešto....sve u svemu zgodna stvarcica.
- Zašto je potreban door breacher? Zbog ovog. Naime, nove mape ce biti napravljene tako da ce na njima vrata biti random zakljucana (jebi ga...nbemrem se sjetit hrvatsku rijec za random a neda mi se trazit po rijecnicima). Sto oce rec....da ce jednu rundu neka vrata bit zakljucana, drugu rundu neka druga itd....sve u svemu nece sve bit ko po nekoj semi, sto mi se osobno svidja.
- dodavanje raznoraznih random stvari kao sto su random spawnovi, random objektivi (mjenjat ce mjesta itd.), random extraction points (ilitiga mejsta za bjeg), i random civili! Znaci nema vise bacanja bombi preko zida nasljepo jer nikad neznas dal ces sjebat nekog civila ili ne.
Za sada se sve te nove stvari planiraju na NOVIM levelima. Tj. sigurni su da ce ih stavit na nove levele. Jos uvjek gledaju dali to mogu ukomponirat u stare mape.
E da....i ko ukoka civila, isto koda je napravio odbijaju mu se bodovi i ide u sobu sa resetkama i kul pjesmom :D .

-OHO...ovo me iznenadilo (inace pisem ovo dok i sam po prvi puta citam novosti). PAzi sad ovo. Kako ce doc novi treninzi, tkao ces naprimjer moc polozit za SF medika! Sta ce ti to dat? Ekstra zavoje! Brze ces moc ljecit! I cak ces moc i sam sebe zakrpat do neke mjere! Jebo majku..ovo je kul.
Onda, ako polozis trening za strane jezike, moci ces civile pitat nek apitanja pa ce ti oni fino rec gdje ti je bojektiv....zgodno zgodno...mislim..posto ce objektivi uvjek bit na drugom mjestu....prilicno zanimljiva opcija....

I to bi bilo to kaj se tice sljedeceg apdejta. Kazu da ce nakon Q Course apdejta ic Overmatch apdejt, gdje ce uves VOZILA u igru.....zivi bili pa vidjeli! A nakon toga Overmatch 2. I tu bi trebo biti kraj AA kakvog danas tako kaze taj tip. Al to ne znaci da ce prestat radit na AA, nego ce AA prebacit na novi engine i ko zna sta jos......Al kaze da prebacivanje engina nece bit tak brzo. Al nije ni bitno...i sa ovimenginom izgleda cool :)

To bi bilo to od mene. Ko oce sve to detaljno nek procita englesku verziju.

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  • unn4m3d
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19 godina 2 mjeseci ago #2684 od unn4m3d
Replied by unn4m3d on topic AA Update....Q Course
Već trebam šparat za bolji kompjuter :lol:

Btw. tnx za prijevod

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19 godina 2 mjeseci ago #2685 od blento
Replied by blento on topic AA Update....Q Course

uNN4m3d napisao: Već trebam šparat za bolji kompjuter :lol:

Btw. tnx za prijevod

ti to zajebavas ili !!!???...
Sve sto je tamo napisano moze razumjet covjek koji ispod prosjecno pozneje engleski.....boze....

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  • unn4m3d
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19 godina 2 mjeseci ago #2690 od unn4m3d
Replied by unn4m3d on topic AA Update....Q Course

Blento napisao:

uNN4m3d napisao: Već trebam šparat za bolji kompjuter :lol:

Btw. tnx za prijevod

ti to zajebavas ili !!!???...
Sve sto je tamo napisano moze razumjet covjek koji ispod prosjecno pozneje engleski.....boze....

Još da mi se da engleski citati..

Lijepo je tako po našemu čitati :wink: :lol:

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