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17 godina 2 mjeseci ago #24320 od pisko
Replied by pisko on topic Kako to

dunavu napisao:

Rudlava napisao: Malo ti je zaostao....nemoj mu zamjerit....jedino je tu mogao dobit posao... :evil:

:roll: :?:


gle kad igras naravno sakupljas bodove... znaci, ako ti za jedan honor treba 23k bodova, a ti si napravio u svojem honoru recimo 5k roe-a onda ti za sljedeci treba 28k... ;)

a tracker ti to sve prati, i ako si se ti rego na www.americasarmy.com i tek za 2 dana na tracker onda ti tracker prati kao 10 honora a na americas army stranici si vec 11... naravno ako si sakupio tih 1000bodva u ta 2 dana.. al kad se server od trackera restarta i poveze podatke sa =AA= site-om onda ti se sve uskladi ;)


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17 godina 2 mjeseci ago #24321 od stagger_lee
Replied by stagger_lee on topic Kako to
Pisko od kada to trackerov server restarta pa kupi podatke sa www.americasarmy.com ??

sve vam lijepo piše na trackeru pod FAQ

My Honorbar reads 100%, but my Honor is not going up. Whats wrong?
Yes, that can happen sometimes. At times, you will notice your Honor not adjusting properly. There are reasons for an incorrect Honorbar. The main reason for this, is that we are using a completely different way to track your score and Honor than the Army does. We don´t have access to the system that the Army is using, therefore, we lose some of your kills or ROE Points. Also our Tracker can not detect ROE Kicks. When you have gained too much ROE, you get ROE kicked and you go to prison. For our Tracker, you only leave the server and you receive no ROE for that. However, you will lose a lot of HonorScore for that ROE when you get ROE kicked (ROE Points * 2). Therefore you will lose Honorscore but the Honorbar on our tracker will not go down and you will reach the 100% mark much faster. The System that the Army uses is also not perfect and that system will sometimes lose some of your stats or it will not update your honor correctly. There are times when it will take a few rounds before your Honor level goes up and when this happens, you will see your honor go up 2 or more honor levels at once. Thus you may have a higher honor level than what is showing because the AAO game hasn't yet updated your honor level. Another incorrect reading will be caused from a server crash and when this happens, the AAO game will lose those stats. The game only updates your stats every 10 rounds, or when you leave the Server. Our tracker scans the Server every 90 seconds, so it can happen that we tracked the score correctly, but the Army Auth.-Server has not updated your score. Also, there are times when there is no telling why it reads incorrectly. As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why this bar reads 100% and yet your honor has not gone up. There is absolutely no Bug in the Tracker or in the Game and there is no reason to be sad. Sometimes it takes a while before all things are updated correctly. Most of the time it should work fine and when it doesn´t go up, don´t worry. Continue Playing and you will reach your next Honorlevel, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly and sometimes with absolute correctness ... We will still try to optimize our tracker and the Game DEVs will work on their game and it will be better in the future. Most of the time the Honorbar should work fine and your Honor should go up within 10 Rounds of playing when you reached the 100% mark.


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17 godina 2 mjeseci ago #24322 od jopke
Replied by jopke on topic Kako to
ma pusti pisska znas da on nema pojma nista osim ubijati hehe 8*)

inace (u ovom klanu) ne vjeruj nikome osim staggyu i razoru oni su ti pametne postenjacine...ostalima nedostaje u najboljem slu&#269;aju jedno od toga :roll:

Rest your trigger on my finger...

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17 godina 2 mjeseci ago #24323 od rudlava
Replied by rudlava on topic Kako to
njih dvoje su pametna strana klana a mi lijepsa :twisted: :twisted:

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17 godina 2 mjeseci ago #24325 od razor
Replied by razor on topic Kako to

Rudlava napisao: njih dvoje su pametna strana klana a mi lijepsa :twisted: :twisted:

Vidi ju kako se voli gurat u razno razne "grupe"....sad je medlju "ljepima"...

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17 godina 2 mjeseci ago #24326 od [ctn]sluzavy_cro
Replied by [ctn]sluzavy_cro on topic Kako to
A ve&#263;i dio klana slovi za deblje :mrgreen:
Gdje je naravno prava ekipa :P

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