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Funny replay

11 godina 9 mjeseci ago #49094 od dezerter
Replied by dezerter on topic Funny replay
Kako chaffe drobi neprijateljske scoutove B)

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11 godina 9 mjeseci ago #49138 od dezerter
Replied by dezerter on topic Funny replay
skalca man madafaker lucker :lol:

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11 godina 9 mjeseci ago #49465 od dezerter
Replied by dezerter on topic Funny replay

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btw. nemam niš istraženo na 13 90 tek ga kupio


lep scout, me lajk veri mač :lol:

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11 godina 9 mjeseci ago #49466 od dezerter
Replied by dezerter on topic Funny replay

amx 13 90 vs jagtiger

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nije mi se dalo više natjeravat s njim pa sam mu pustil :whistle:

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11 godina 8 mjeseci ago #49479 od dezerter
Replied by dezerter on topic Funny replay
hahahahaha :silly:

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11 godina 8 mjeseci ago #49499 od dezerter
Replied by dezerter on topic Funny replay
B) skoro pa savršeno odigrano sa articom :whistle: :unsure: :huh: :dry:

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